Patrick Taylor

Legal disclaimer

Nothing on this website is held out as 100% factual. It may be, or it may not be, and some is just opinion. If you believe something has been written or illustrated which seems inaccurate or unfair, leave a message and I will look at it. Nobody has yet objected to anything.

Nothing on this website is official information or advice and should not be taken as such. I neither claim nor profess any expertise on anything whatsoever, nor any knowledge, therefore do not act on something just because you read about it here.

Pages about the ancestors of my mother and father are based on Internet research only. They may be accurate but what is shown is not based on official records. It is provided here just for casual interest.

Guarantee: no intelligence on this website is artificial in any way.

Copyright infringements

I do not own the copyright for some of the images displayed on this website, nor have I obtained permission. That is just the way it is. If I have infringed yours and you object to your image being displayed, please contact me and I will remove it. In other cases I have obtained the copyright holder's permission.

—Patrick Taylor—

The entire content of this website is copyright and not to be reproduced in any form without my written permission.