Patrick Taylor
THERE ARE MANY Patrick Taylors. Many. I'm only one of probably hundreds in existence – and that's just on Earth, because in the whole Universe there are trillions and quadrillions. Patrick Taylor is too many people. You can still read this though » about Patrick. Then if you think you know me (or you once did) and would like to reminisce, email me a message »
[ my drawings are here ]
wot i rote (date unknown):
When did I become superstitious?
I once believed the law of science and yielded to no other order of things. The night sky, the monstrous algebra of infinity made no mark on me except as a rule against which all other things are measured. A simple schoolboy I was. Now I am a man and I've acquired my demons. My talisman goes with me and the ruts and channels of my consciousness run with less prosaic beliefs, though nature runs there too.
I look for the signposts and I alter my course. It's nice to travel alone, no explanation, no compromise. Only I can see the signs, only I can read them.
Voyager 2 is a space probe launched by NASA on August 20, 1977. From beyond the heliosphere the signal from Voyager 2 is still beaming back, taking more than 16 hours to reach Earth. Its 22.4-watt transmitter has the same power as a fridge light. Its signal is more than a billion billion times dimmer when it reaches Nasa's 70-metre antenna. The probe will continue through space long after Earth is swallowed by the Sun.
Patrick doesn't like social media. His New Year resolution is say less – only half as much – and keep reducing it by half every year, until it's just 1/1024 of what he said originally.
This website is made with my own WordPress Theme: Works Unit.