Patrick Taylor

My ancestors: my mother’s father’s side (2)

From Jean Libert Simon de Froidmont (1754–1781)

Some people below are listed twice – Aylid de Brus de Loen and Albert Burthoul for example (and their ancestors). A married couple, they had a son Henri Albert Burthoul and a daughter Marie Burthoul, both of whom had descendants. A few generations later the great great granddaughter of Aylid and Albert Burthoul (Elisabeth Donnéa) married their great great grandson (Jean de Froidmont).

A note in some old records states "Dispense de consanguinité du 4è degré" which was apparently not unusual. It appears Jean de Froidmont and Elisabeth Donnéa had some sort of dispensation to be married to each other. The Burthoul, de Froidmont and Radoux families all had some intermarriages. A lot of them seem to have been involved in the town council of Haccourt and are listed as Mayor, Alderman and clerk or Registrar etc, so they probably all knew one another very well.

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Filedate: December 24th, 2024