My ancestors: my mother’s father’s side (2)
From Jean Libert Simon de Froidmont (1754–1781)
Some people below are listed twice – Aylid de Brus de Loen and Albert Burthoul for example (and their ancestors). A married couple, they had a son Henri Albert Burthoul and a daughter Marie Burthoul, both of whom had descendants. A few generations later the great great granddaughter of Aylid and Albert Burthoul (Elisabeth Donnéa) married their great great grandson (Jean de Froidmont).
A note in some old records states "Dispense de consanguinité du 4è degré" which was apparently not unusual. It appears Jean de Froidmont and Elisabeth Donnéa had some sort of dispensation to be married to each other. The Burthoul, de Froidmont and Radoux families all had some intermarriages. A lot of them seem to have been involved in the town council of Haccourt and are listed as Mayor, Alderman and clerk or Registrar etc, so they probably all knew one another very well.
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- Mother: Françoise Marie Jacqueline Wauters (1920–2007)
- + Grandfather: Charles Wauters (1880–1951)
- ++ Great grandfather: Charles Nicolas Marie Fernand Wauters (1856–1936)
- +++ 2 x great grandmother: Victoire Hubertine Joséphine Rigo (born 1828)
- ++++ 3 x great grandmother: Marie Elisabeth Joséphine de Froidmont (1783–1848)
- +++++ 4 x great grandfather 13/32: Jean Libert Simon de Froidmont (1754–1781)
- Spouse: Marie Elisabeth Béatrix Hauzeur (died 1793)
- ++++++ 5 x gt grandmother /64: Marie Légipont (born 1714)
- ++++++ 5 x gt grandfather /64: Libert de Froidmont (born 1714)
- +++++++ 6 x gt grandmother /128: Marie Jeanne Agnés de Froidmont (born 1690)
- ++++++++ 7 x gt grandmother /256: Marie Jeanne Sameyne Laminne (died 1733)
- ++++++++ 7 x gt grandfather /256: Henri de Froidmont (1666–1707)
- +++++++++ 8 x gt grandmother /512: Marie Jeanne de Vangerme (1638–1709)
- +++++++++ 8 x gt grandfather /512: Henri de Froidmont (1628–1693)
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandmother /1024: Marie de Froidmont (1595–1664)
- ++++++++++ Marie's brother Libert Froimont, a.k.a. Libertus Fromondus (1587–1653)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandmother /2048: Marguerite Radoux (1570–1652)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandfather /2048: Gérard Libert de Froidmont (1570–1614)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandmother /4096: Marie Oulry Burthoul (1545–1592)
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandmother /8192: Jeanne Marteau (died 1549)
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandfather /8192: Oulry de (Graez) Burthoul (1510–1549)
- Oulry de Burthoul was 'Mayeur de Haccourt' near Liège in what is now Belgium
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Libert de Froidmont (1545–1602)
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandmother /8192: Isabeau de Laitre
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandfather /8192: Gérard de Froidmont (1520–after 1545)
- ++++++++++++++ 13 x gt g/father /16384: Stassinet de Froidmont
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandfather /1024: Henri de Froidmont (1598–1674)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandmother /2048: Aylid Burthoul (1561–1642)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandfather /2048: Eustache de Froidmont (1570–1631)
- +++++++ 6 x gt grandfather /128: Jean de Froidmont (1680–1741)
- ++++++++ 7 x gt grandmother /256: Elisabeth Donnéa (1637–1697)
- +++++++++ 8 x gt grandmother /512: Catherine Le Scaff (died 1676)
- +++++++++ 8 x gt grandfather /512: Lambert Donnéa
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandfather /1024: Guillaume Donnéa-Donneau
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandmother /2048: Marie Burthoul
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandmother /4096: Aylid de Brus de Loen
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Albert Burthoul
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandmother /8192: Mette Xhervel de Bombaye (born 1474?)
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandfather /8192: Albert de Haccourt dit Burthoul (before 1490–1583)
- ++++++++++++++ 13 x gt g/mother /16384: Agnès Haccourt
- ++++++++++++++ 13 x gt g/father /16384: Albert de Haccourt dit Burthoul (1460–1491 or 1504)
- Albert de Haccourt was 'Mayeur de Haccourt' near Liège in what is now Belgium
- +++++++++++++++ 14 x gt g/father /32768: Albert de Haccourt dit Burthoul (born before 1420, died after 1460)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandfather /2048: Lambert Donnéa-Donneau
- ++++++++ 7 x gt grandfather /256: Jean de Froidmont (1634–1711)
- +++++++++ 8 x gt grandmother /512: Ode "Philippet dit Colleye" Bonhomme (died 1669)
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandmother /1024: Marguerite Radoux (1570–1652)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandmother /2048: Marguerite Malaise de Xhendremael (died 1570)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandmother /4096: Oudon Chierff (died 1579)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Henri V Hubert dit Henrard Malaise de Xhendremael (1500–1563)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandfather /2048: Denis Radoux (died 1596–1606)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandmother /4096: Jeanne Moreal
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Eustache Radoux (died about 1553)
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandfather /1024: Gérard Libert de Froidmont and:
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandfather /1024: Pierre "Philippet dit Colleye" Bonhomme (1595–1664)
- +++++++++ 8 x gt grandfather /512: Eustache de Froidmont (1600–1668)
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandmother /1024: Aylid Burthoul (1561–1642)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandmother /2048: Clémence de Poilvache (1520 or 1540–1561 or 1572)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandfather /2048: Henri Albert Burthoul (1540–1561 or 1572)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandmother /4096: Aylid de Brus de Loen
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Albert Burthoul
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandmother /8192: Mette Xhervel de Bombaye (born 1474?)
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandfather /8192: Albert de Haccourt dit Burthoul (before 1490–1583)
- ++++++++++++++ 13 x gt g/mother /16384: Agnès Haccourt
- ++++++++++++++ 13 x gt g/father /16384: Albert de Haccourt dit Burthoul (1460–1491 or 1504)
- +++++++++++++++ 14 x gt g/father /32768: Albert de Haccourt dit Burthoul (born before 1420, died after 1460)
- ++++++++++ 9 x gt grandfather /1024: Eustache de Froidmont (1570–1631)
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandmother /2048: Aylid Jamar (1530?–1553)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Cloes Jamar
- +++++++++++ 10 x gt grandfather /2048: Jean ou Jehan (Stassinet) de Froidmont (1530–before 1596)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandmother /4096: Aylid de Stockis (1490 or 1505–about 1552)
- ++++++++++++ 11 x gt grandfather /4096: Collard de Froidmont (1490 or 1505–1540)
- +++++++++++++ 12 x gt grandfather /8192: Stassinet (Stassard) de Froidmont (1450–about 1536)
- ++++++++++++++ 13 x gt g/father /16384: Gérard de Froidmont (c.1430–c.1516)
- +++++++++++++++ 14 x gt g/father /32768: Wilheaume de Froidmont (de Geere) dit Nynon (1410–before 1480)
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